On this page, you’ll find books about Oakwell Hall, its history and local area – and about Oakwell Hall’s Bronte Connection.
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The ‘Oakwell Hall Commonplace Book’ by Pam Radcliffe and Jacqueline Ryder (2019) is available only from the Oakwell gift shop.
All proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Friends
Other books of interest
Oakwell Hall: A Guide by By Catherine Hall and Jane Whittaker (also available from the Oakwell shop)
Sir H.Norman Rae 1860-1928: our local benefactor By Gladys Shuttleworth, (also available from the Oakwell shop)
Oakwell Hall By Geoffrey Woledge
Gomersall: a window on the past By Gillian Cookson & Neil A Cookson
A History of Yorkshire By F B Singleton & S R Rawnsley
Pennine Walks: Edale to Kirk Yetholm for the Independent Walker By John Gillham
Check out other books about Yorkshire here
7 journeys exploring Yorkshire’s varied landscapes
Oakwell Hall appears in “Shirley” as Fieldhead
A Guide to the English Civil War, 1642-51
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books image: sourced from Canva